Chugach plans short outage for Portage and Whittier
Chugach Electric Association has scheduled a short nighttime outage for customers in Portage and Whittier in order to perform needed maintenance on a substation transformer.
The two-hour outage is scheduled to begin at 11 p.m., Thursday, and last until 1 a.m., Friday, Jan 23.
A total of 132 metered-locations in the Portage and Whittier areas are served by the substation. In scheduling the outage, Chugach looked for a window that would be the least inconvenient for the affected customers.
Chugach is the largest electric utility in Alaska, providing power for Alaskans throughout the Railbelt through retail, wholesale and economy energy sales. ML&P serves the downtown Anchorage commercial district and surrounding residential areas.
For more information, contact Patti Bogan, 762-4736, cell 242-0704