Chugach will provide up to a $5,000 credit, per DC fast charger, installed in Chugach’s service area. No more than two credits per location (account number) will be distributed.
Commercial members of Chugach willing to host a DC fast charging facility for either public or fleet vehicle use can receive up to a $5,000 credit per charger. Members must agree to install, own, make publicly available (if for public use), and pay the bill for the DC fast charger.
This program is open to any Small General Service or Large General Service member for installations at properties in the Chugach service territory. DC fast chargers may be connected to a Large General Service member’s existing electrical service, or they may be connected through a new meter that may be eligible for the DC fast charging tariff rates. See Chugach’s applicable South District tariffs or North District tariffs for more information about this special rate. Note that line extension credits may also be available There is a limit of one credit per charger (one or two connectors), with a maximum of two credits per location (Chugach account number). Pre-approval is recommended to ensure funding availability prior to construction.
To receive the credit, members must complete an application and provide proof of purchase and installation. Upon verification by Chugach, the member’s account will be credited. The credited amount will be determined by the purchase and installation costs, not to exceed $5,000 per charger. Program participants may be contacted and asked for feedback that Chugach could use in publications or proceedings.