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Med-Electric Alert Program

Med-Electric Alert Program

Chugach’s Med-Electric Alert Program is designed to make sure we know which of our members have electrically-powered medical equipment in their homes. If we have prior knowledge that an occupant is seriously ill, elderly, handicapped, or on life-support systems, Chugach will give at least 30 days written notice of disconnection if an account goes unpaid.

As with all members, in the event of a planned power outage, Chugach will attempt to make notification of the planned outage before the start of the outage.

The medical alert program does not give a member priority for restoration in a power outage. Members with life support equipment in their homes are encouraged to have a back-up power supply such as a generator, or non-electrically-powered equipment available. Extensive damage to the Chugach system from storms, earthquakes, equipment failure, or even vandalism may prevent Chugach from restoring power for extended periods of time.

In order to become part of the Med-Electric Alert Program you will need to fill out a form and have it signed by your doctor. For more information, please call (907) 563-7494.
