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South District

South District

Chugach’s South District begins where the North District ends in Downtown Anchorage, includes parts of East Anchorage, through South Anchorage, and down the Seward Highway to include Indian, Girdwood, Portage, Whittier, Hope, Moose Pass, and Cooper Landing. It also includes Tyonek across Cook Inlet.

The primary objective of Chugach’s rate case, currently before the Regulatory Commission of Alaska, is to consolidate North and South District rates.

Rate Information

Below are the rates in effect as of July 1, 2024 for Chugach South District retail customers.


Residential Service Rates
  Customer Charges $8.00/month
  Energy Charge 14.256¢
  Fuel Charge 4.484¢
  Purchased Power Charge 1.094¢
  Fire Island Wind Renewable Energy Adj.* 0.091¢
  BRU Contributed Capital Surcharge 1.937¢
  Regulatory Cost Charge (RCC) 0.1107¢
  Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) 0.071¢
  Gross Revenue Tax 0.05¢
  Total per kWh 22.0937¢


Small General Service Rates
  Customer Charge $17.00/month
  Energy Charge 10.206¢
  Fuel Charge 4.484¢
  Purchased Power Charge 1.094¢
  Fire Island Wind Renewable Energy Adj.* 0.091¢
  BRU Contributed Capital Surcharge 1.937¢
  Regulatory Cost Charge (RCC) 0.1107¢
  Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) 0.071¢
  Gross Revenue Tax   0.05¢
  Total per kWh 18.0437¢


Large General Secondary Service Rates
  Customer Charge $55.00/month
  Energy Charge 5.040¢
  Fuel Charge 4.484¢
  Purchased Power Charge 1.094¢
  Fire Island Wind Renewable Energy Adj.* 0.091¢
  BRU Contributed Capital Surcharge 1.937¢
  Regulatory Cost Charge (RCC) 0.1107¢
  Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) 0.071¢
  Gross Revenue Tax  0.05¢
  Total per kWh 12.8777¢
  Demand Charge per kW $23.20


Large General Primary Service Rates
  Customer Charge $55.00/month
  Energy Charge 5.239¢
  Fuel Charge 4.450¢
  Purchased Power Charge 1.086¢
  Fire Island Wind Renewable Energy Adj.* 0.091¢
  BRU Contributed Capital Surcharge 1.937¢
  Regulatory Cost Charge (RCC) 0.1107¢
  Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) 0.071¢
  Gross Revenue Tax 0.05¢
  Total per kWh 13.0347¢
  Demand Charge per kW $23.99


Purchased Power Rates for Qualified Facilities**
  Transmission Voltage 6.729¢
  Primary Voltage 6.862¢
  Secondary Voltage 6.914¢


An undergrounding surcharge of 2% is added to bills of customers within the Municipality of Anchorage based on the total of their bill except Regulatory Cost Charge.

Small general service includes for non-residential consumers whose demand does not exceed 20 kilowatts at any time during the billing month. A non-residential consumer whose demand exceeds 20 kilowatts will be billed at large general service rates.

* Represents the cost difference of Fire Island renewable wind power compared to other generation. Learn more about Fire Island Wind Power

** For customer-installed generation of 200 kW or less.

For additional information or assistance, send an e-mail to the Member Services department.

Operating Tariff

Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Complete South District Operating Tariff - Electric

Rule 1 - Authority For Rules and Regulations

Rule 2 - Nature of Services Offered

Rule 3 - Types of Service Provided

Rule 4 - Technical Provisions

Rule 5 - Conditions of Service

Rule 6 - Billing and Collections

Rule 7 - Resale of Electricity

Rule 8 - Modification to and Extension of Distribution Facilities

Rule 9 - Rules of Construction and Definitions

Schedule of Charges, Fees and Credits

Outdoor Area Lighting Service

Street Lights

Residential Service

Small General Service

Large General Service

Economic Viability Rate

Net Metering Service

Standby and Buyback Service

Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Adjustment/COPA

Purchase and Sales Rates for Qualified Cogeneration and Small Power Production Facilities

Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Adjustment Factor History

Transfer Price of Natural Gas produced from Beluga River Unit 

Sale for Resale

Economy Energy Transactions

Regulatory Cost Charge

Annual Loss Factor Update

Rules Relating to G&T Line Loss Factor Issues

Calculation of Chugach G&T Losses

Rule 10-Non-Utility Generation Interconnection and Operating Guidelines, and Purchases and Sales of Electric Power to and from Qualifying Facilities

Interconnection and Operating Guidelines for Non-Utility Generation

Power Purchases from Qualifying Facilities

Rule 11 - Common Transmission Service Provision

Rule 12 - Point to Point Transmission Service 

Ancillary Services - Rate Schedule T1-T8

Appendix A - Member Services Forms

Appendix B - Engineering Forms

Appendix C - Interconnection & Operating Guidelines for Non-Utility Generation up to 5,000 kVA

Appendix D - Application for Interconnection of Electric Power Sources Greater than 5 MVA to the Power Transmission Grid

Appendix E -Transmission and Ancillary Service Agreements and Related Service Requirements