RCA approves Chugach rate increase
The Regulatory Commission of Alaska approved an interim and refundable base rate increase of 1.614 percent to Chugach Electric Association, effective Sept. 14. Base rates show up on customer bills as energy and demand charges.
The increase will apply to all retail and wholesale customers Chugach serves except for the small general service class, lighting and the Seward Electric System.
Chugach initially requested a 4.5 percent interim and refundable base rate increase. Chugach will implement the 1.614 percent increase on bills rendered on or after Sept. 14, but also plans to file for reconsideration of its original request by the RCA.
Chugach filed for the interim rate increase July 10 as part of the utility's first general rate case since the late 1980s. Final rate adjustments from the case are not expected for several months.
Chugach is the largest electric utility in Alaska, providing power for Alaskans throughout the Railbelt through retail, wholesale and economy energy sales.