Chugach wins award for home page
Chugach Electric Association recently received an Award of Excellence for its web site from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association's Council of Rural Electric Communicators in the 2003 "Spotlight on Excellence" awards program. The site contains information including current events, a listing of meetings and publications. It also allows members to pay their bills, review their account histories and sign up for electric service. Chugach's web site can be viewed at
The CREC presented the awards at the 2003 NRECAs Marketing, Member Services and Communication Conference during a special recognition luncheon July 14 in Reno, Nevada. There were a total of 645 entries submitted in 18 categories.
The Council developed the awards competition as an annual event to recognize excellent performance in communication and marketing efforts by electric cooperatives and related organizations. 2003 is the 15th year of the awards program.
The CREC was organized in 1982 and is a volunteer association that works to advance the recognition, education and professionalism of about 1,300 communicators of electric cooperatives and their affiliated organizations. NRECA, the trade and service organization that represents the national interests of cooperative electric utilities, coordinates the Council's activities.
Chugach is the largest electric utility in Alaska, providing power for Alaskans throughout the Railbelt through retail, wholesale and economy energy sales.