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May 19, 2017 at 3:45pm

Chugach Members Elect Directors

Utility also launches new website, online member portal

Chugach Electric Association members elected Stuart Parks and re-elected Harry Crawford to the utility’s Board of Directors. Election results were announced Thursday night at the electric cooperative’s annual meeting held at the Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center. Crawford, Parks, and Ron Stafford ran for the two open seats. Crawford will serve a three-year-term, and Parks will serve a four-year term.

Chugach shifted to electronic voting for 2017, and the voting total surpassed 2016 levels. Of Chugach’s 68,826 members of record, 7,436—or 10.8 percent—cast ballots in the 2017 election, a significant increase over the 6,329 valid ballots cast last year. A total of 224 members registered at the meeting, with total attendance estimated at approximately 450 people.

Following the meeting, the board met to elect officers to serve for the next year. Janet Reiser and Sisi Cooper were re-elected as board chair and treasurer, respectively; while Bettina Chastain was elected as vice-chair, and Jim Henderson as secretary.

New Website unveiled

Chugach also announced its new website at the annual meeting. Created by local branding firm Erin Hamilton Design, the website offers a clean, simple layout, which makes finding information about the cooperative easy and user-friendly.

Online Member Portal launched

The annual meeting also included the unveiling of Chugach’s new online member portal called My Account. My Account offers one-stop shopping for Chugach members who can pay bills, review usage, and track billing and payment history all in one location. Members can also sign up for outage and usage notifications. A mobile app associated with My Account will be available in the coming weeks.

Check out both the new website and My Account at

For more information, contact Julie Hasquet, 762-4489