Power Pledge Challenge Kicks Off October Energy Awareness Month
Over 2,000 students will learn about energy efficiency next month and compete for prizes statewide as part of the Power Pledge Challenge. Utilities and organizations from Mat-Su, Anchorage, Kenai
Peninsula, and Juneau host the challenge as part of Energy Awareness Month, recognized every year in October. In the challenge, students complete a hands-on activity from the AK EnergySmart curriculum, learn how to calculate their energy usage, and ways to reduce their usage at home. They then conduct an online home energy audit with their families and identify specific actions they will take to use energy more efficiently.
Over the past five years, this challenge has grown from 700 students in Anchorage to more than 2,200 throughout the state competing for regional and statewide prizes. Last year’s statewide prize winning teacher, Mayme Troutman from Wasilla Middle School, said “It’s important for students to be aware of the concept of energy and how it affects them. In 8th grade physical science the students take a deeper look at how energy is changed, transferred and the monetary/environmental impacts energy has on
Each region will award one class with a pizza party with a special guest and/or power plant tour. The statewide “grand” prize is a pizza party and $1,200 worth of energy-related classroom supplies.
There are still spots available for teachers to sign up in all four regions. The dates for presentations are below:
- Mat-Su/Eagle River: September 18th – 29th; 8th grade science classes
- Homer/Kenai: October 2nd – 13th; 6th and 7th grade science classes
- Juneau: October 9th – 20th; 6th grade science classes
- Anchorage: October 9th – 20th; 7th grade science classes
The Power Pledge Challenge is held through support of Alaska Energy Light & Power, Alaska Energy Authority, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, Chugach Electric Association, ENSTAR Natural Gas Co., Homer Electric Association, Matanuska Electric Association, Municipal Light and Power, and Renewable Energy Alaska Project.