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July 22, 2021 at 10:28am

Chugach Electric CEO announces retirement

Chugach Electric Association CEO Lee Thibert has announced he will retire in April of 2022. Thibert, 66, has been with Chugach for over 30 years and has served as CEO for five years.

“Working for Chugach and our members has been an incredible opportunity,” said Thibert. “I am very proud of the work we have done together, continuing to build a strong, vital utility, providing power to thousands of Alaska homes and businesses.”

Thibert’s career at Chugach began in 1987 and he held a variety of senior management positions before being named CEO in July 2016. As CEO, he has led Chugach through several significant events including the acquisition of Municipal Light & Power, the purchase of an ownership interest in the Beluga River gas field and interest in Cook Inlet’s first commercial gas storage facility, and successfully navigating the utility through the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

“Lee has been a steady and accomplished CEO, leading Chugach through many significant changes over the years,” said Chugach Board Chair Rachel Morse. “We will miss him, but his retirement is well-deserved, and he leaves Chugach a strong and resilient utility.”

Morse added the board’s goal is to have a smooth transition next year and will immediately begin a search for Thibert’s replacement.

For more information, contact Julie Hasquet, (907) 717-9619