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Chugach sends letter to Anchorage Assembly on the 1991 Fish & Wildlife Agreement

Chugach leadership recently sent a letter to the Anchorage Assembly clarifying questions some Assembly members have had about the 1991 Fish & Wildlife Agreement. The 1991 Agreement is the contract signed by Chugach, Matanuska Electric Association, and the Municipality of Anchorage when they bought the Eklutna Hydroelectric Project from the federal government in the 1990s. Read the letter.

Happening Now

Integrated Resource Plan released

Chugach has completed an update to its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). The IRP maps the utility’s long-term generation plans designed to meet its decarbonization goals. Read more.

Those goals include reducing our carbon intensity by at least 35% by 2030 and at least 50% by 2040 with no material negative impact on rates or reliability.

Happening Now

The value of the Eklutna Hydroelectric Project

The Eklutna Hydroelectric Project, owned by Chugach, Matanuska Electric Association, and the Municipality of Anchorage, is a very valuable part of our generation mix. It's the lowest cost energy on the Railbelt and the source of the majority of the city's drinking water. This video looks at the value of the project.

Happening Now

Eklutna Hydro owners respond to Anchorage Assembly resolution regarding 1991 Fish & Wildlife Agreement

The owners of the Eklutna Hydroelectric Project, Chugach Electric Association , Matanuska Electric Association, and the Municipality of Anchorage, recently responded to the Anchorage Assembly regarding the 1991 Fish & Wildlife Agreement. The Assembly passed a resolution seeking a two-year extension of the Agreement along with other requests and assertions. The owners responded with a letter to the Assembly which was discussed at the Feb. 12, 2024, meeting of the Chugach Board of Directors.

Happening Now

Campbell Lake Substation rebuild

Chugach is rebuilding the Campbell Lake Substation in South Anchorage. The purpose of this project is to replace the aging infrastructure as the equipment is 50 years old and is no longer adequate to serve the area. Chugach is replacing the transformer and the switchgear in the substation to ensure reliability to the area and to address safety concerns that come with having equipment at the end of its serviceable life.