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March 2, 2022 at 1:10pm

Companies respond to renewable energy RFP

Chugach Electric moving forward on study of potential projects

Several companies responded to Chugach Electric Association’s recent request for proposals (RFP) for renewable energy projects that can be built and integrated into the Chugach system at no additional cost to ratepayers. The member-owned electric cooperative issued the RFP in October 2021 and received responses from numerous companies representing five technologies. The technologies include wind, solar, hydroelectric, tidal, and energy storage.

“We are pleased to see the level of interest our RFP process generated,” said Chugach CEO Lee Thibert. “There are a number of innovative ideas out there, and we look forward to further evaluating what’s possible.”

Technical and economic reviews of the projects submitted are underway to determine the feasibility and whether they would increase the cost of power for Chugach members. Chugach has a goal of adding a project or projects that will produce 100,000 megawatt hours per year of additional renewable generation by the end of the first quarter of 2025.

In addition to increasing the proportion of renewable energy, the goal of any new renewable project is to reduce carbon emissions, preserve natural gas resources, and to diversify Chugach’s energy supply resources while maintaining reliability and not increasing rates for Chugach’s member-owners.

Of the companies selected for further study, Chugach will be evaluating interconnection and integration impacts for operational and economic feasibility. These studies, which are expected to be completed this year, will determine which projects can move forward for utility-scale operation.

For more information, contact Julie Hasquet, (907) 717-9619