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Thousands of past and long-term Chugach Electric Association members are receiving a share of over $4 million retail capital credits retirement. The Chugach Board of Directors approved the retirements in two meetings; December 16, 2015 and November 30, 2016.  

10 local non-profits to receive holiday delivery

Continuing a long tradition, Chugach Electric Association is donating 450 turkeys to 10 local charities as part of its annual community outreach over the holiday season. The turkeys will be delivered to the organizations the week of December 12.

Chugach has donated turkeys to local non-profits as a way to help fill the need for holiday meals and food baskets throughout the local area for the past 15 years. The turkeys are purchased from Carrs/Safeway and distributed to the charities.

Community notified of eight-hour outage November 17/18 

The third and final outage required for a project at the Girdwood Substation is set for Thursday, November 17 at 11 pm through 7 am Friday, November 18.

Chugach Electric is replacing the enclosure that houses the substation controls located at the Girdwood Old Townsite behind the Tesoro Mall. The eight-hour outage November 17/18 is the third of three outages required for the project.

Substation work requires three-hour outage on October 12 

A project replacing the control enclosure at Chugach Electric’s Girdwood Substation will require a power outage scheduled for Wednesday, October 12 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. This is the second of three planned outages necessary for the project.

Director Bruce Dougherty resigns

Chugach Electric Association’s Board of Directors has accepted the resignation of director Bruce Dougherty. Dougherty, whose resignation is effective December 14, 2016, said he will be leaving Alaska. As a result, Chugach will have a vacancy on its seven-member board. Applications are being accepted until noon, October 28, 2016.

Chugach Electric Association is under new leadership as longtime senior manager Lee Thibert has been named the new chief executive officer (CEO). Thibert replaces Brad Evans, who retired as CEO in mid-July after serving eight years in that role.

Community notified of eight-hour outage June 28/29 

A project at the Girdwood Substation will include planned outages for the community this year. The first is set for 11 pm June 28 to 7 am June 29.

Chugach Electric Association members re-elected Bruce Dougherty and Susan Reeves to the utility’s Board of Directors. Election results were announced Thursday night at the cooperative’s annual meeting.  Dougherty, Reeves, and Ron Stafford ran for the two board seats to be filled for this year’s election. Dougherty and Reeves will serve four-year terms.

ANCHORAGE – April 21, 2016 – The Regulatory Commission of Alaska today approved the purchase of ConocoPhillips’ one-third working interest in the Beluga River Unit natural gas field by Municipal Light & Power and Chugach Electric Association.

Chugach Electric Association today was presented with the Governor’s Innovation in Safety Award for a product conceived and designed by Chugach employees. The award was announced at the 35th Annual Alaska Governor’s Safety & Health Conference at the Dena’ina Center in Anchorage.

The Innovation in Safety Award is presented to a company or group that has demonstrated excellence in innovation in safety and health systems that protect employees.

On March 11, Chugach Electric Association, Inc., and Municipal Light & Power submitted a request to the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA) for approval of the purchase of ConocoPhillips’ one-third working interest in the Beluga River Unit (BRU) natural gas field in Cook Inlet.